The vaccine is a weapon! My mom was tortured and murdered.

I want the world to know her story.

In 2022, after four Pfizer injections, my very healthy mom was suddenly diagnosed with stage-IV pancreatic cancer in her left inguinal groin lymph node, B-cell lymphoma and melanoma. Her immune system had failed completely. She lived, suffering, until December 13. I was her full-time caretaker.

In 2023, day by day, using memories, photos, text conversations, medical records, my journal, and my mom’s journal, I chronicled the story of her disease on Facebook. I told about her illness, the failed medical response, her experience, my experience and how a community and faith in God got us through.

I have started the process of editing and rewriting on Substack. I think my mom’s story is important and I want it to be told.


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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

I'm very sorry to hear about what happened to your mom, Kristi. It makes it so much worse that you have to fight to get her story heard. Many people have no idea that their illness may be connected to the shots and, of course, that is exactly what is intended.

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The exterminators are not coming at us only with the injections ,They have a variety of ways and means to harm and of course kill us .For example my brother went to a hospital with a flu ,where he was fed the deadly remdesivir followed by ventilators as per treatment protocol .It took six days to murder him .In previous posts I wrote in more detail ,about this criminal act . It is on my mind often during the day,it send me into a depression .

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I’m so sorry for your loss Kristi, thank you for sharing your story. My own mother, although elderly was perfectly well until her third Pfizer shot. within a month, she was showing signs of rapid dementia and shortly afterwards had to be placed in full-time care. We will get justice, I believe, for our mums and for all those who have suffered from taking this poison.

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We are all grieving together. I am beginning to see that there is power in that.

We will get justice.

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I’m sorry for your loss Kristi, tragic .🙏

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My heart goes out to you, Kristi. I too cared for my mom 24/7/365 through multiple medical emergencies until she finally died from dementia. This was before the vaccines, but during the pandemic when we had to isolate, all alone. I'm just writing about it now, it is cathartic and healing.

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My heart goes out to you, as well.

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May ALMIGHTY GOD continue to carry you through your grief and pain while He provides His SUPERNATURAL comfort, peace, strength, healing and justice for your Mom and you....

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I lost my sister to double kidney failure. She was mandated to be vaccinated and boosted. Now she is no longer. Irony is she was a nurse.

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It was not just the "vaccine" scam. The pandemic was also a total scam.

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This" plandemic " and all others that will follow are nothing but weapons and the goal is to wage a final and total economic war to capture control on nations after they will have come to bankruptcy.

Traditional war for a global takeover is no more possible given the destructive power many nations have.

But economy is the second in rank most powerful weapon and, given it does not destroy infrastructures, has been selected to gain worldwide control.

Example: The farmers' revolts we witness for some weeks is a part of this global takeover upheld by agencies that keep on signing accord that are detrimental to them.

Everything is done to walk them to bankruptcy and then their properties will be bought back by cartels.

Who controls your food supply controls you.

And this is only the visible part of the iceberg.

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

I think government cash flow is also a significant factor in preferentially poisoning the old and importing younger migrants. Instead of reducing lucrative government waste and unnecessary bureaucrats, those in authority chose to deceive the Western societies and cause them to bear the full price of changes in aging demographics. So those with power could increase their power and control. 🤷‍♂️

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The utmost power is in the hands of each and every citizen by simply saying NO.

The utmost incarnation of power is total yet peaceful strike.

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That's true. We don't need them.

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Wouldn’t it have been nice if Rishi used his time making an announcement outside #10 recently, to apologise to the people of this country for getting everything about covid so terribly wrong. But no, we had to listen to him dribble something about democracy that made no sense since his government’s covid mandates were hardly democratic. Do as I say, not as I do, comes to mind.

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To apologize requires, at first, to be conscious of having done something wrong.

To be conscious of " wrongness" requires, at first, to make difference between right from wrong

To differentiate between right from wrong requires at first, to have a soul.

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I think that's what they want is dictatorship, as that's all we had with covid and vaccines, the hugh divide in families and friends, divide and conquer, caused a hugh rift in my own family, that's heart breaking, I'm 72, vaccine passports were disgusting, alienating, made no sense, for a experimental so called vaccine that caused severe adverse effects and deaths, my niece was forced to get a booster in order to have a procedure and ended up in hospital with clots ranging from 13cm to 4cm and procedure cancelled, she was recently back in hospital with a racing heart, I got covid from my vaccinated relatives and they have all had covid 2, 3 and 4 times.

It's just criminal what's happened, and people need to be held to account.

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Elizabeth, I wished you lived near me, I would give you a great big hug. You described the situation so many of us our in.💕

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Me too I wished I lived with more like minded people, there is times when you feel so isolated 😥

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Where can we see the PDF of the Telegraph comments?

I like reading Daily Mail comments these days. I used to think Daily Mail readers were a bit stupid, but plenty of them are awake to the vaccine scam and damage.

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I hope it won't be a limited hangout operation. I've detailed much of the MHRA corruption on my page including evidence of hiding mass numbers of Yellow Card reports.

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And more recently the ons hiding excess deaths with its creative new maths that make sense to no one, not even the brightest advanced math stars.

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Super bad. Corruption is deep! Chief Coroner also has 4,500 deaths on their books undeclared after a year which won't show up anywhere on ONS

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Did anyone else witness mordant threatening MP Andrew Bridgen in Parliament, a few days ago? Who is she to threaten anyone! Is this even legal? She is the one who needs a dressing down and one that needs to be done NOW!

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All of the medical community is a murdering organization paid for by big pharma.

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US "accidental" hospital deaths are now 250,000 people per year.

How can this be when doctors are intelligent and highly trained ?

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Human error, dangerous procedures, dangerous medicines, dangerous practitioners.

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Although many people understand what happened, our main task is to make those still hypnotized by the censorship/propaganda machine to wake up from it.

The way this is proceeding now is that there's a concerted effort to sideline everything that's happened as conspiracy theory, and this type of thinking as a sign of mental imbalance and a danger to society. Anything smacking of conspiracy is mis-dis-mal-information, and supposedly with the rise of the internet half the population that believes in these conspiracies has lost the ability to reason properly.

The history of disinformation is easy to write: it's simply the public side of censorship, what you tell the population as you censor what they say, in order to give your action the gloss of safeguarding the truth. Today we're fast approaching the type of censorship only seen in totalitarian societies.

They're coming at this from all sides: not merely with the DIsinformation Governance Board, but in popular books like Steven Pinker's "Rationality," which is simply an extended diatribe against anything that's not the official story. Or Desmet's "Psychology of Totalitarianism"-- geared toward the MFM-- which explicitly states that there was no conspiracy during High Covid. Then of course NPR warns us off misinformation, and Mother Jones News asks readers to help in the fight against misinformation.

Disinformation: the public face of the censorship of information that doesn't follow officially sanctioned narratives.

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A question remains the same for centuries and has never been answered.

" Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? "

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Yes the noble lie is alive and well in gov’t.

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Thanks, Lisa - I quite understand your feelings and share them. However, it is clear that things are well advanced with the One World Government takeover and we all need to look to the return of Jesus Christ now, as He is the ONLY hope for the world. If you want to know more - just email me at illusion2reality@protonmail.com and I will send you details of my book that sets out the biblical basis for my confidence and an understanding of the signs of the times - God Bless Graham

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Hi (DC Lovell - sorry don't know your first name) - I am so sorry to learn about you losing your sister. It is heartbreaking. Please accept my sincere condolences and blessing on you in the name of Jesus.

God Bless - Graham

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This goes well beyond Covid and the “vaccines”. We are in trouble.


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Given that Mr. Sunak has fought to have his job, that he never refused the paycheck nor the advantages relief to his official functions, thus he is totally, personally and criminally responsible for everything ( at the very least everything related to Covid-19 management) that happened under his " reign " .

He fought for the job.

He got the job.

He is liable.


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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

Time that the zombies finally woke up and faced reality and did something about it for the betterment of all instead of pretending it isn't and hasn't happened

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31 year old woman dies. Her baby boy died in 2022.

Family's tragedy as 31-year-old mum who 'would do anything for anybody' dies

Cally Ann Ahearne was a 'beautiful, supporting, and loving' individual according to her heartbroken mother

A mother has shared her agony after losing her 31-year-old daughter. Louise Lewis' daughter, Cally Ann Ahearne, sadly died on Friday, February 16, less than two years after she tragically lost her baby son.


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Big time but it seems there is no law for them 💔it is heart breaking to witness this amount of evil

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